Sisterhood Projects

PYSOLO is part of a Sisterhood with several Horizon Europe projects on similar topics revolving around Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). This sisterhood aims at developing a joint stakeholders’ network, organising joined activities and at enhancing collaboration among its members through various initiatives. These include featuring the projects on each others websites, sharing project updates and co-organising and promoting key events.

SUNSON – Ground-breaking Solar to Heat to Power converter for the energy of the future


The SUNSON project will promote net-zero emission electrification through a smart combination of advanced concentration solar power with ultra-high temperature storage system for thermophotovoltaic generation. Increasing the European industrial leadership in key renewable energy integration enabling the transition to a net-zero emission economy by 2050.

ABraytCSPfuture – Air-Brayton cycle Concentrated Solar Power future plants via redox oxides based
structured thermochemical heat exchangers thermal boosters

ABraytCSPfuture sets forth an innovative, carbon-neutral way for implementing into future air-operated Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants the inherently much more efficient air-Brayton gas turbine power generation cycles in order to achieve higher solar-to-electricity efficiencies, vital for competitiveness of CSP and non-reachable by either PVs or molten salts and thermal oils, significantly increasing in parallel the plants’ storage capability.

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ASTERIx-CAESar – Air-based Solar Thermal Electricity for Efficient Renewable Energy Integration & Compressed Air Energy Storage

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ASTERIx-CAESar project focuses on the development of a novel high-efficiency solar thermal power plant concept with an integrated electricity storage solution. The project combines air-based central receiver Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) to maximize conversion efficiency and power grid energy management, enabling a new operation strategy and business model.

BLAZETEC – BREAKTHROUGHS in thermaL bAtteries through Zero-Emission high-temperature static Thermal-to-Electric Converters

Spurred by the need to integrate intermittent renewable energy sources, high temperature (>1200 ºC) thermal batteries have recently gained traction as a compelling solution for long-duration energy storage (exceeding 10 hours). Attaining exceptionally high temperatures is crucial for these batteries to achieve both high energy densities and conversion efficiencies. This surge in deployment has generated a demand for ultra-high-temperature energy converters, which are currently unavailable.

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COOPERANT – Leading-edge cooperative advances towards the next generation of concentrated solar power (CSP) technology

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The COOPERANT project advances CSP technology by overcoming challenges like high-temperature operations, on-demand availability, cost, and environmental impact, enabling continuous, cost-effective solar energy production even without direct sunlight.